Grammar App

Photo by Brett Jordan on

This is a reprint from the end of March:

I am a comma fiend. I love them and use them indiscriminately. So, why does my writing have such great grammar?

I use a grammar app called Grammarly.

Part of it is free and there is premium content as well. I paid for the premium since it works better for me and keeps my writing appropriate.

This isn’t an ad, I promise. Hey, see those commas. Totally appropriate!

I also have a grammar book that I kept from college writing classes and another one I bought several years ago. But I still can’t get a handle on commas. They are my Achilles’ Heel.

I know commas should be used like salt and sprinkled conservatively. But I love them and use them like sugar in a cookie. Lots of them and blended through everything!

Have, a, great, day,! Sonja,

How’s Your Grammar?

I am a comma fiend. I love them and use them indiscriminately. So, why does my writing have such great grammar?

I use a grammar app called Grammarly.

Part of it is free and there is premium content as well. I paid for the premium since it works better for me and keeps my writing appropriate.

This isn’t an ad, I promise. Hey, see those commas. Totally appropriate!

I also have a grammar book that I kept from college writing classes and another one I bought several years ago. But I still can’t get a handle on commas. They are my Achilles’ Heel.

I know commas should be used like salt and sprinkled conservatively. But I love them and use them like sugar in a cookie. Lots of them and blended through everything!

I hope you have an app or two that help you. Sonja