Blogs, and Podcasts, and Articles. Oh, My!!!

Lately, I have been trying to keep up on the happenings in the publishing world. What a task! Things happen so fast.

A publishing house that I admired has closed its doors. Agents come and go from agency to agency. Books are published, make lists, and then are gone.

How to keep up?

Blogs, podcasts, and articles!

I’ve also found that some agents write essays on their websites that are full of information and tips

It’s our job as writers to watch the industry and learn what’s going on. There is a lot of information on the web. Go find it.

Local indie bookstores are great sources for info and books. The owners tend to know what’s coming down the publishing pipe and are happy to recommend titles. Just ask! These fascinating and fun stores are the lifeblood of the writing game.

Near where I live, there is a large book festival that attracts approximately 135,000 people. I love attending, showing off my books, and meeting the parents and children that stroll through all the booths and tables. I have found that most want to buy a physical book and aren’t interested in downloading an ebook. I love to see people walking past my table with bags of books.

It makes me optimistic about the future of the book world.

I hope you take the time to read today. Choose the format you like and find a comfy corner. I read printed and ebooks, plus listen to audiobooks in the car. Find what works for you.

Keep reading! Sonja