A Little Inspiration For You

Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

This quarantining related to COVID-19 is changing day-by-day and keeping us from roaming around the world. It’s hard to stay at home when you want to sit in a crowd and people watch.

I’ve participated in three Tough Mudders and really appreciated this paragraph in a recent email:

“This is a time that Tough Mudder values ring more true than ever – the only way to defeat this pandemic is by working together – and Mudders know how to do that better than anyone else. In this strange time, in many ways, we have an opportunity to be even more connected.”

I’ve noticed this connection when I am out walking Guinness the Therapy Dog. Neighbors wave at each other and say hello, which didn’t often happen before the quarantine.

I hope this neighborly feeling will extend to the grocery stores, etc. next. There are so many instances that make me feel afraid of what the ‘other guy’ is going to do.

Keep your head up and watch out for your neighbors! Sonja

#Giving #Charity

Whichever form of faith you follow, this is the season of giving–the season of charity. My hope is that you give and offer throughout the year.

There are those who have little need of actually ‘stuff’. Give of your time.

There are those who are in need of love. Give your love.

There are those who are in need of food. Consider giving to your local food bank.

There are those who are in need of transportation. Consider giving your time and drive them where they need to go–if you are able.

Anywhere you look, you will find someone in need. Try to determine what it is they need without asking. Most people will deny having any need, but a few minutes of your time or a plate of cookies or small token will do wonders to bring them joy.

Give of yourself. Sonja