How did you-

When I tell someone I’m a writer, there are two questions that I’m always asked: 1. where do you get your ideas, 2. when did you start writing.

I’ll answer these questions in order.

My ideas usually come to me as I’m falling asleep. I tell myself stories as I drop off. When I’m in the middle of a first draft, I think about upcoming scenes and imagine dialogue and the interaction between the characters. Sometimes I come up with an idea during the day, file it away-either written down or in my memory-and then imagine the scene that night.

I started writing in middle school. My best friend at the time was an amazing writer and we talked about the process. It piqued my interest and I began a story. The other influencer was one of my middle school/high school English teachers. She promoted the idea of writing and even brought in a guest lecturer. He discussed creative writing and had us write ideas and chapters.

I think these two people built the foundation for my writing career. So, thank you to you both.

I miss my friend and am thankful that I am Internet friends with the teacher.

I hope you have someone, or several somebodies, who inspire you. Sonja

Are you on Instagram?

Photo by NeOnBRAND on

I have mentioned this Instagram account before, but I think it bears repeating. You should follow @august_musings. She is an inspirational poet and posts some amazing work.

I posted about her at the beginning of this month and dared you not to smile when you read her poetry. I still dare ya!

Also, @april.reads.and.proofreads is an exceptional proofreader. She has a manuscript of my evil twin’s and we are looking forward to her comments and critique.

And, both of these accounts came to me by way of @author_george_I_fleming, who writes thrillers set in Florida. Check out his books! I’m currently reading Bad Habits: A Tampa Bay Tropics Thriller available now on and through Barnes & Noble.

Of course, I need to mention my favorite military account @tigerstripedmisfits. This non-profit donates all its profits to military foundations (like the Green Beret Foundation). All monies are made with the sales off its website:

Check out all these accounts! Sonja

On This Day–

The Wright Brothers

It was December 17, 1903, that Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first flight with a powered aircraft. The first flight lasted 59 seconds and went 852 feet at an elevation of 20 feet. Orville had just flown into history.

The brothers owned a bicycle shop in Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. and experimented with flight there for almost ten years before finding success. Orville and Wilbur chose the beach at Kitty Hawk because a constant wind blew off the ocean and would help their aircraft fly.

In the above photo, Orville is seen lying inside the aircraft and Wilbur is the man standing at its right.

It’s hard to believe that today, just 116 years later, it is almost routine to fly across the ocean or around the world.

Photo by Ben Neale on Unsplash

If you plan on traveling for the holidays, don’t forget to pack your sense of humor–and a good book (I suggest one of mine!).

Enjoy your holiday! Sonja

Motivation for Inspiration

“We make a living by what we get,
But we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Every good act is charity. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.”

I hope you find inspiration in at least one of these quotes. ‘Tis the season of charity and giving.

Be the person who helps people smile. Sonja