Happy Hanukkah!

To all of you who observe Hanukkah, I hope you enjoy the season.

Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration that observes that Maccabean victory in their revolt against the Greek-Syrians.

On each of the eight nights, a candle is lit in a menorah. A ninth candle is used to light the other eight after a special Jewish story and followed by a hymn. The menorah is usually placed in a window to remind those passing of the story of Hanukkah.

Lots of games are played during Hanukkah, with the dreidel being the most popular.

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

Popular and traditional food eaten during Hanukkah include fried potato latkes and deep fried doughnuts, called sufganiyot.

Today is also the winter solstice, which makes it the shortest day of the year. It’s a good time to begin the Festival of Lights.

I hope you have a happy Hanukkah. Sonja

Big News Coming Soon!

Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash.com

I’m working on a wonderful holiday gift for you, my dear reader. Keep an eye on this page for the grand reveal!

Photo by Jared Craig on Unsplash

I will give you one hint: it involves books!!!

Meanwhile, enjoy reading while cuddled in a blanket with your slippers and a steaming cup of tea!

I can’t wait to share my surprise with you! Sonja

Have Yourself A Sweet Day

Mark-Hewitson-Photography on Unsplash

It’s ‘Bake Cookies Day’, so get out your butter, sugar, and flour and get in there! This is the best time of year to bake, and it doesn’t matter if you want to bake chocolate chip, oatmeal, sugar, or Snickerdoodles. I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t like at least one type of cookie.

Have a great holiday season and enjoy your baking, Sonja

#Giving #Charity

Whichever form of faith you follow, this is the season of giving–the season of charity. My hope is that you give and offer throughout the year.

There are those who have little need of actually ‘stuff’. Give of your time.

There are those who are in need of love. Give your love.

There are those who are in need of food. Consider giving to your local food bank.

There are those who are in need of transportation. Consider giving your time and drive them where they need to go–if you are able.

Anywhere you look, you will find someone in need. Try to determine what it is they need without asking. Most people will deny having any need, but a few minutes of your time or a plate of cookies or small token will do wonders to bring them joy.

Give of yourself. Sonja

Get in a Flip Flop State of Mind

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

What do you think of when you wear flip flops? (Sometimes called thongs.)

I think of sand, beach, and relaxation. I hope you are able to find one of those things during this holiday season.

It can be hectic to get everything that you think must be done–done. But don’t forget the foundation of the holiday: peace, love, and joy.

Don’t get too crazy with all of your “I should–” and “I need to–”

Take a moment to enjoy. Sonja