To all of you who observe Hanukkah, I hope you enjoy the season.
Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration that observes that Maccabean victory in their revolt against the Greek-Syrians.
On each of the eight nights, a candle is lit in a menorah. A ninth candle is used to light the other eight after a special Jewish story and followed by a hymn. The menorah is usually placed in a window to remind those passing of the story of Hanukkah.
Lots of games are played during Hanukkah, with the dreidel being the most popular.

Popular and traditional food eaten during Hanukkah include fried potato latkes and deep fried doughnuts, called sufganiyot.
Today is also the winter solstice, which makes it the shortest day of the year. It’s a good time to begin the Festival of Lights.
I hope you have a happy Hanukkah. Sonja