
Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Today marks the time when we have the longest day of the summer-the most daylight. In the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, there will be continuous daylight!

I was in Alaska in the summer. There were midnight baseball leagues and room-darkening shades. It was fun for the short time I was there, but I think it would be tiring for longer.

This time of year has been observed for centuries throughout the world by festivals and rituals.

In Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, the First Nations people participate in the Ottawa Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival. Iceland has the Secret Solstice Festival and Sweden celebrates throughout the country with the Midsommer Festivals. (This actually took place yesterday). In Austria massive bonfires are lit on the mountaintops. This tradition dates back to the Middle Ages.

However you decide to celebrate today, be safe and check to see if things have changed due to the pandemic. Sonja

Online Site

Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

I found an online site that offers ~1,500 free classes and wanted to share it with you. (This isn’t a sponsored post; merely information). Open Culture offers classes that are taught by universities around the world. I attached the link to the above site name. It should open in a new window so you can explore the list of classes.

The opportunities presented by this service are astounding. Are you interested in history, sociology, math, etc? You can watch classes or listen to them as MP3 files whenever you want. The site offers free classes if you audit or choose ‘no certificate.’

Or you can choose to pay for the classes and get credit or a certificate.

There aren’t enough hours in the day!

I hope you find something you like. If you have a good site for free online education, please leave the info in a comment, or send it to me at sonjadanielson@gmail.com.

Enjoy the time that you have to become a lifelong learner! Sonja