
Photo by John Wiesenfeld on Unsplash

It’s time to set your intentions for the week!

What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to have done by the weekend?

I guess you could call this a weekly bucket list… to do list… success list.

I have my goals: finish editing my current work in progress (WIP), write the next installment of the Guinness the Therapy Dog series, continual communication with the folks who like my books (I love to hear from them!), reach out internationally… the list is long and continually growing!

I’m also working on my lifelong learning. I’m refreshing my French and German. I’m getting my classes lined up to learn Japanese with my son (a huge leap on my part) and I’m taking some writing classes online since there’s always something new to learn and improve on.

What are your short-term goals?

Time to take the plunge! Sonja

Have You Tried-

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Now is the time to fulfill your dreams and take an online class. My husband and I like to take online classes from MasterClass, which is a subscription.

Do you have any online class sources that you like? Leave them in the comments.

What has been your favorite online class?

Investigate. Learn. Enjoy. Sonja

Here’s the Thing-

(c) 2020

I was on a hike yesterday with a good friend and her son and we came across this heart-shaped cactus. Isn’t it cute?

You can find love in the weirdest places.

I didn’t love spilling an entire pot of tea all over my writing desk just now. But things are dried and other things are in the washing machine, so all is good. Back to what I was talking about…

Love is everywhere, you just need to be open to it.

I’m taking an online course on mindfulness right now, and it is a good reminder to live in the present. I have so many things that try to pull me into the future-that increase my anxiety-and practicing mindfulness brings me back to the present. It isn’t healthy to sit in an anxious state and that’s what I do unless I work to live in the moment.

I want to enjoy the present, not worry about the future. And that’s what mindfulness encourages.

With all this time at home, I encourage you to take an online class in whatever sparks your particular interests.

Don’t let this time slip by. Sonja