
It’s Sunday. That means it’s a day for fun!

It doesn’t matter what your preference is for your free time (hiking, sitting by a river, soaking in a tub, reading, writing). Just remember to protect others by following social distancing and wearing a mask.

It isn’t just for your health, but for those who are around you.

I plan to spend the day writing and reading. Those are my preferences. I am scheduled for a bit of surgery on Tuesday, so I want to make sure all my ducks are in a row before I lose function in my wrist (that’s where the surgery will be).

I’ll be in a cast, so using the laptop will be difficult. I plan to try, though. I don’t think I can go weeks without writing. It makes me happy.

What makes you happy? Let me know. Sonja

It’s the Week to Smile

There are certain things that trigger us to smile. They are unique to each person. Mine are above, including Guinness the Therapy Dog, balloons, and dogs I meet around town.

What makes you smile?

It’s important to smile. It not only help you feel better, but lightens and elevates the moods of those around you.

Today is the day to smile. Sonja

Only a Few More Days Until the Weekend!

What are your plans for the weekend? It’s time to start planning! It is outdoors or indoors? Close to home or far away? Alone or with family and friends?

The weekend is a time to recharge from the busy work/school week so you can tackle the upcoming days with energy and optimism. Those are the best ways to move through a day. Approach it with energy and it will give it back to you in fun and excitement. Approach it with optimism and you will find good opportunities and people everywhere.

Are you in a bad mood and can’t get away from it? Smile. That’s all. Just force yourself to smile. The very act of engaging the smile muscles lifts your spirits and your mood will elevate.

It’s medically proven!

Try it the next time you’re in a bad mood–or feel a little blue. I think you’ll be amazed.

Smile! Sonja