My Favorite Book

Photo by Paolo Chiabrando on Unsplash

If you’re are a regular follower of this site, you likely know about my love of anything Jane Austen!

My favorite book to read is ‘Pride & Prejudice’. My favorite adaptation is the BBC mini-series of ‘P&P’, and the 1995 version of ‘Persuasion’.

I would love to hear about your favorites.

I’m always on the lookout for a new experience! Sonja

My Favorite Things

Above and below are some of my favorite things. I see a theme–nature. I love to be outside. Water is important. So are trees and flowers. A good hike is the best! And a good hike with Guinness the Therapy Dog is even better!

He loves to be outside–and he loves water. When he hikes, he wears a backpack. When he finds water, he lays down in it and doesn’t bother about taking off his backpack first.

What are some of your favorite things?

Have a great week! Sonja

One of My Favorite Things

(c) 2019

This photo shows some of my favorite things: tea, flowers, and really pretty porcelain or china. I’m always looking for a deal on all three of those things.

I’m especially happy to have found a teapot for the holidays—at a killer price. The only thing better than pretty porcelain is pretty porcelain on sale.

I’ve already written about my favorite tea vendor. I stand by that and am so happy to try new blends! Right now I’m trying out a black tea flavored with maple. It’s called New England Breakfast and smells divine! It’s nice to inhale a bit before taking a sip and really enjoy everything the tea has to offer.

I hope you take some time today to enjoy one or two of your favorite things.


I Love the Outdoors! Do You?

I’m a big fan of being outside, no matter how comfy my home is. The heat of the sun, a gentle breeze, and the smell of warmed soil really makes me happy. It doesn’t matter if I am hiking, strolling, or gardening, it’s fun to be a part of nature.

I think it goes back to my childhood. I spent a lot of time outside laying on the ground and looking up at the sky, or skiing, swimming, waterskiing, etc. I grew up on the shore of a mountain lake and was able to take advantage of all it had to offer. In the Spring I could snow ski in the morning and waterski in the afternoon. How perfect is that?

Go Outside, Sonja

A Favorite Thing

One of the things I miss when the weather is hot is a nice cup of tea. I have a favorite seller here in the U.S. ( and favorite blends. I typically use loose tea because I think it makes a better cup, plus, I love the ritual of spooning leaves into the pot and pouring water over them. The leaves unfurl and the aroma is fantastic.

I usually need to drink decaffeinated or herbal teas because my body loves to hold on to caffeine and keep me awake at night. And that interferes with my writing process! It’s in the dark when I’m relaxed and about to fall asleep, that problems with my plot are solved. I also “see” interesting scenes and those little details that can help a scene come to life. But sitting in front of my computer with a steaming cup of tea really makes the writing process work for me.

What works for you?

Have a cup with me! Sonja

Favorite Things

Being out in nature is one of my favorite things–which is something I have in common with the characters in my books. There’s something about the green of the trees, the whispers of the wind, and the sound of my hiking boots on the dirt trail. Do you feel the same way?

Here in the desert, we don’t have a lot of water, but when we do it seems that everyone gets out to celebrate the greening up of Mother Nature’s gown. The water just left this creekbed, but the trees and shrubs are still reaping the rewards of the damp soil.

Now that we are at the end of the summer, things are dry and dusty. Our monsoon season was a bust; hopefully, we’ll have a wet fall and winter. I haven’t been able to hike into the hills because of the intense heat (safety first!), so I’m looking forward to the cooler days. I’ve been asked why I don’t simply drive into the Santa Catalina Mountains to go for a hike. It’s so temperate there, even in the desert furnace. I haven’t been able to go hiking up there since I ran into the bear (that’s a subject for another post). It really scared me, so I am reluctant to meet another one. I probably wouldn’t see one, but I would be so worried that I wouldn’t enjoy the hike. It’s a quandry!!!

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Have a wonderful day, Sonja