
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

It’s the weekend and for many of us that means time off from work. Yay! What do you have planned?

BC19 (Before COVID-19) the weekend was a time for gatherings and socializing, which is off the books for now. Today may be the time for a solitary bike ride through interesting landscape-whether that is the desert’s unique formations or under a canopy of trees.

I’m not trying to get political here, so no comments about the pandemic, social distancing, or mask-wearing, please!

I’m encouraging you to enjoy the beautiful summer day! Sonja

Friday-Weekend Plans?

If you’ve been reading my posts you know I’m a big proponent of going outside. Reading outside is different than reading inside, hiking, going to a festival. It doesn’t matter what you do.

I have spent so many hours laying on the ground and watching the clouds. I watch how fast they are moving, the shapes I see in them, rainbows, the shadows they cast on the ground. There is so much to see.

Take this weekend to spend some time outside. Do what you want. Have a friend over, play with your dog, go for a hike, ride your bike.

Have a great weekend! Sonja

My Favorite Things

Above and below are some of my favorite things. I see a theme–nature. I love to be outside. Water is important. So are trees and flowers. A good hike is the best! And a good hike with Guinness the Therapy Dog is even better!

He loves to be outside–and he loves water. When he hikes, he wears a backpack. When he finds water, he lays down in it and doesn’t bother about taking off his backpack first.

What are some of your favorite things?

Have a great week! Sonja

It’s Sunday Funday!!!

What fun do you want to do today? As you prepare for another week of work or school, Sunday is the day to either relax or make a memory.

Taking a look at past posts from this week, you can imagine what I’ll be doing: I’ll be outside! I think it’s going to be too hot to go on a hike, but you will probably find me in the garden or taking a walk with Guinness the Therapy Dog. He loves his walks!

His big sister, who is actually smaller than he, has a number of health issues and can’t go for walks. She is always there to welcome us home and I have fun imagining their conversation!

“Where’d ya go?”


“Duh, but where?”

“Dunno. But there were good smells everywhere!”

Have a Fun Day! Sonja

I Love the Outdoors! Do You?

I’m a big fan of being outside, no matter how comfy my home is. The heat of the sun, a gentle breeze, and the smell of warmed soil really makes me happy. It doesn’t matter if I am hiking, strolling, or gardening, it’s fun to be a part of nature.

I think it goes back to my childhood. I spent a lot of time outside laying on the ground and looking up at the sky, or skiing, swimming, waterskiing, etc. I grew up on the shore of a mountain lake and was able to take advantage of all it had to offer. In the Spring I could snow ski in the morning and waterski in the afternoon. How perfect is that?

Go Outside, Sonja