#Nature #Outside #Horses

Photo by Greta Schölderle Møller on Unsplash

It’s Sunday Funday and I plan to spend it outside.

I would love to enjoy this beautiful weather from the back of a horse. Too bad I don’t have one to ride! But I can use my imagination–

I love the smell of horses, the creak of the leather saddle, the sound of the hooves clopping on a dirt trail. And so much more.

Tell me what you like to do on your #Sunday Funday. Sonja

Sunday Funday!!!

It’s time to have fun! Play with your dog (like Guinness the Therapy Dog), dance, or play under the blue sky. I hope those of you who are digging out of the winter weather are able to spend some time playing in the snow.

I hope for good weather and good times for you and yours. Sonja

Your Uncle’s a Monkey!

Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

Today is All Our Uncles Are Monkeys Day! Do your best monkey dance up to your uncle and give him a big hug. Then take him out for a banana split!

Enjoy your uncle–and all your relatives. Surround yourself with family. That’s where the love comes from.

Grab your uncle and have fun today! Sonja

It’s Sunday Funday!

Time to go outside!

The weekends are made for fun. So get outside and have some! Go on a hike, play in the water (like Guinness the Therapy Dog), or lay on the forest floor and stare up at the trees.

It’s still warm here in the Desert Southwest and I am waiting for cooler temps so I can hike safely (without risking heat exhaustion!). The mountainous regions of the U.S. are getting snow already, so it could be fun to make tracks down a snowy path.

Whatever you do, I hope you have fun and spend your time with good friends or family. Sonja

It’s Sunday Funday!

What’s your idea of fun?

With the temps growing cooler, I’ll be spending more time outdoors. That’s my fun zone! Maybe hiking, maybe gardening, maybe walking Guinness the Therapy Dog–I’m okay with anything!

Take time today to have some fun, either by yourself or with a friend. Anytime is fun time and Sunday is the day to really go out and have some fun.

Have a fun Sunday! Sonja

It’s Sunday Funday!!!

What fun do you want to do today? As you prepare for another week of work or school, Sunday is the day to either relax or make a memory.

Taking a look at past posts from this week, you can imagine what I’ll be doing: I’ll be outside! I think it’s going to be too hot to go on a hike, but you will probably find me in the garden or taking a walk with Guinness the Therapy Dog. He loves his walks!

His big sister, who is actually smaller than he, has a number of health issues and can’t go for walks. She is always there to welcome us home and I have fun imagining their conversation!

“Where’d ya go?”


“Duh, but where?”

“Dunno. But there were good smells everywhere!”

Have a Fun Day! Sonja

It’s Sunday Funday!!!

What do you have planned? It’s still hot here in the Southwest so I’m going to be staying inside–maybe a movie, maybe a book, maybe the gym. But I know I’ll certainly be spending part of the day writing! I have a lot of fun creating my stories and I can’t wait to start the next episode of the adventures of Guinness the Therapy Dog!

Right now, he’s shedding up a storm in preparation for the cooler weather. I expect it to sweep over us by the end of next month. Next month, you say! Yup, because here in the desert the hot temps stay way too long. Like a bad smell or that person who won’t leave you alone. You know what I mean– Let’s not go there.

Because it’s Sunday Funday!!!!! Go have some fun! Enjoy youself!

Have a great Funday! Sonja