This Week’s Question

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

In our society, a lack of sleep seems to have become a status symbol. I don’t understand it, but have fallen into that trap.

“I slept only three hours last night” with the implied, “Look how fabulous I am/how hard I can work while sleep-deprived.”

I sleep an average of seven-and-a-half hours a night. Less than that and I’m tired all day (not a caffeine-drinker)-more than that and I walk around like I’m on cold medicine. You know that ‘my head is tethered to my neck only by a thin string’ feeling? That’s me if I sleep for too long.

Tell me how you slept last night. No judgments. I promise.

Sleep well. Sonja

Did you get everything you wished for this holiday season?

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

It has been three days since Christmas, we’re still celebrating Hanukkah, and gift day for Kwanzaa is still four days away.

That’s a lot.

I hope you found everything you wished for under the Christmas tree and that you will find what you hope for as a Hanukkah gift or on January 1.

Today is also National Call A Friend Day and Card Playing Day.

What a great reminder to call those who are right next door or too far away. You could invite your neighbors over to play a nice game of whist or Hearts!


Or you can play solitaire.

Let me ask you, what is the best part of the holidays?

Enjoy your day! Sonja

A Question For You

Tomorrow is Sunday Funday! What do you have planned?

I’m going to spend time with family, including my two furry friends. Here’s a photo of our goofball, Guinness, who is going to star in his own series of picture books.

Have a fun weekend, Sonja