Have you seen this???

(c) 2020

This is my latest book and tells the story of the Wing Family. This family helped form our nation. The patriarch, John Wing, was born in England and went to Oxford University.

After John died, his family emigrated to the American Colonies and, eventually, to Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

This is an illustrated, easy-to-read book that includes an interesting timeline and a glossary of locations.

I hope you enjoy this book. Sonja

Did You Get My Gift?

For the winter holidays, I arranged for special pricing for the three above books. Available exclusively on Amazon.com, the ebooks for The Gilding and The Voyage were free worldwide–The Commoner ebook was available for free to my friends in the UK.

I hope you were able to take advantage of this special pricing!

Keep an eye on this website or my Instagram page @author_Sonja_Danielson for special pricing alerts!

Enjoy the second day of the new year! Sonja

Writing for Illustrations

(c) 2019

It’s different when you write the text for a chapter book that doesn’t include pictures and writing for an illustrated book. The illustrations help the reader visualize what you’re writing about.

I didn’t have to describe the clothing in ‘The Voyage’ because the artist did such a phenomenal job with her research to show the clothing and the colors that were true to the period.

For ‘The Fairies of Carlow’ series, I took literary license to use clothing that was suggested by the Victorian period and was able to modify it as necessary for the stories.

The ‘Guinness the Therapy Dogs’ stories will be modern-day and the dress of the people he interacts with will be easily drawn. I probably won’t mention the clothing unless it directly affects the plot of the book.

And dogs don’t wear pants! Hey, that’s a good idea for a story!

The illustrations in ‘The Voyage’ also show the world occupied by John Wing as he traveled through Europe as a preacher. It helps the reader see where he stood in The Hague, Oxfordshire, and Cape Cod, Massachusetts (for his family).

Take a look at the beautiful illustrations of ‘The Voyage’. The illustrations for the first two books of the ‘Guinness the Therapy Dog’ series are being drawn by the artist right now!

I can’t wait to show you. Keep a lookout for the logo that will appear on the front cover of every ‘Guinness the Therapy Dog’ book. It’s spectacular and I will unveil it here on this website soon!

Keep writing! Keep reading! Sonja

The Voyage

(c) 2019

Have you had a chance to check out my new book, ‘The Voyage’? It’s an illustrated east-to-read book about the beginnings of one of America’s founding families.

If you’ve been to Cape Cod, Massachusetts you’ve likely driven or ridden through Sandwich. That’s where the Wing Fort House is located. You should take a tour. The house is chock-full of furniture and other belongings owned by the Wing Family.

The kitchen is something special and when you walk in you can imagine the family gathered around the gigantic fireplace. The smell of bread baking or a stew bubbling in a cast iron pot hanging off a hook over the flames fills your imagination. And that’s just the first room!

My ancestor, Stephen Wing, was the man who built the house. History relates this story: He was fearful of an Indian uprising and built a very solid fort home. The Indians in the area turned out to be very nice and helpful, making the home overbuilt. But I bet those 12-inch thick walls helped keep those frigid winter temperatures out of the home!

Time to take a trip! Sonja

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s an important day for all those in the United States. Today is Thanksgiving. My new book, The Voyage, would be a wonderful read to mark this day. It tells of the trials of a man who traveled throughout Europe as he searched for religious freedom.

His family settled first in Plymouth Colony and then to Sandwich, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. This illustrated easy-to-read book is available exclusively on Amazon.com.

I’m also offering Book 3 of The Fairies of Carlow, The Commoner, at special pricing starting today. This book is a middle-grade chapter book and takes place in a fairy kingdom. The Commoner tells the story of a fairy princess who chafes under the restrictions placed upon her. She flees the palace and lives as a commoner. Will she return to her royal life?

I hope you take advantage of the special pricing, which ends on November 30, and also take a look at my newest book.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my U.S. friends! Sonja

The Voyage

(c) 2019

I am pleased to announce the working title for my first picture book: The Voyage. This tells the story of one of America’s preeminent families as it travels through Europe and finally lands on the eastern shore of the American Colonies.

The Wing Family landed in Boston and lived at Plymouth Colony before settling on Cape Cod.

I can’t wait for you to read about the Wing family! Sonja

The Wing Family: From England to the American Colonies

I wanted to premier the artwork for my upcoming picture book about one of the first families in Cape Cod, Massachusetts and the early years of the patriarch, John Wing!

(c) 2019 Emma Crick
This drawing is copyrighted and you must request permission
to copy, share, print, or use in print or digital form.

This is a sample of the artwork that is being produced for my new picture book: The Wing Family: From England to the American Colonies.

Isn’t it beautiful? The remaining artwork is just as special.

The artist, Emma Crick, lives in England and is so talented. To see this and more artwork, my book will be available before Christmas. Check back on this site for the announcement that it is available for purchase!

Looking forward to this new adventure! Sonja

The Artwork is Coming!

The artwork is coming for my new picture book, The Wing Family: From England to the American Colonies. I think you’ll love it. It’s a blend of watercolors and pen and ink detailing. The artist is incredibly skilled and you will find yourself immersed in the world of 1600s England.

This is an interesting story of one of America’s founding families. The patriarch was an impressive young lad who made a huge impact on history as he aged through adulthood.

Stay tuned for my announcement that the book is available!

I can’t wait for you to read it! Sonja

2020 Tucson Festival of Books

I’m excited to announce that I will be appearing at the Tucson Festival of Books on March 14, 2020.

I’ll be in the children’s section from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

I will have copies of:

The Fairies of Carlow: The Gilding (Book 1)

The Fairies of Carlow: The Outsider (Book 2)

The Fairies of Carlow: The Commoner (Book 3)

I will have also my new historical picture book

The Wing Family of America:

From England to the American Colonies


AND, copies from my new series of picture books:

Guinness the Therapy Dog

As a special treat, I’m working to have Guinness available at the Festival!!!!! Won’t that be fun?

I hope to see you at the Tucson Festival of Books!